Executive Board
The Mansfield ISD GT Parent Advisory Council is governed by an Executive Board.
Board Officers must be a parent/guardian of a student receiving GT Services at MISD. Terms of Service are 1 year, with a maximum 2 consecutive years in the same office.
Board Positions & Duties
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Advisory Council and Board, may sign all letters, reports, and other communications from the Advisory Council, and shall develop with the Council a yearly operating plan (goals) for the coming year to be approved by the Advisory Council no later than the first meeting of the new school year. In addition, he/she shall perform all duties incident to the office of President and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Advisory Council. In the event that the President is absent, the Vice President shall preside in his/her absence.
Vice President
The Vice President shall represent the President in assigned duties and substitute for the President during his/her absence.
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings, both regular and special, of the Advisory Council. The Secretary shall promptly transmit true and correct copies of the minutes to the members of the Advisory Council.
Communications Chair
The Communications Chair shall be responsible for maintaining the GTPAC website, promoting events sponsored by the GTPAC, and promoting parental feedback to campus administrators and GT Specialists regarding GT issues. The Communications Chair shall organize at least one event per school year to inform parents about opportunities for GT Students.
Parental Support Chair
The Parental Support chair shall be responsible for identifying and making available to parents educational and support resources related to GT matters. The Parental Support Chair shall organize at least one event per school year providing networking opportunities to parents of GT students or featuring a speaker relevant to the GT community.
GT Services Chair
The GT Services Chair shall be responsible for conducting ongoing
assessment of the effectiveness of services provided to GT students by MISD and generating recommendations for improvements. At least once per school year, the GT Services Chair shall deliver a written report with these assessments and recommendations to the GTPAC. After approval by the Advisory Council, this report shall be made available to all GT parents, campus GT Specialists, and campus Principals.